This past legislative session in Colorado resulted in passage of several HOA (Homeowner's Association) Bills. Specifically and noted on the Colorado HOA Forum's website, , were bills that will require HOA property managers to be licensed and regulated, enable xeriscaping within HOA's by homeowners, provide some protection for homeowners against foreclosures when debt is due the HOA, and mandates a study by the State's HOA Office to identify an improved dispute resolution process for HOA complaints. Overall, a victory for HOA homeowners and provides the most significant improvement in HOA governance in decades. Homeowners are urged to visit this organization's web site for specific information on how these new laws will affect the HOA living environment.
The Colorado HOA Forum, the State’s largest and leading HOA homeowner advocacy group, will focus its' 2013-2014 legislative efforts on:
1. Include an out of court binding dispute resolution process in all Colorado HOA law: OUR NUMBER ONE OBJECTIVE
2. Improve upon Colorado legislation that licenses HOA property managers
3. Limit fees and administrative costs on HOA debt
4. Increase the roles, responsibilities, authority, and enforcement capabilities of the Colorado HOA Information Office and Resource Center with specific involvement in resolving HOA homeowner complaints
5. Restrict/limit "transfer fees" in the sale of HOA homes
6. Require realtors and home buyers to be provided a copy of the HOA's governing documents and financial statement and certify they read them prior to purchasing a home
7. Term limits on HOA Board members when others are willing to serve
8. Include as part of the HOA registration process a certification that the HOA Board members read their own governing documents and information posted on the State HOA Office's web site concerning State HOA law