Friday, August 16, 2013

Colorado HOA Forum Promotes 2013-2014 Legislative Agenda

The Colorado HOA Forum ( , an HOA homeowner advocacy group, has published its’ 2013-2014 legislative agenda.  The past legislative session saw very good progress in Colorado HOA legislative reform including licensing and regulatory oversight of property managers, limits on debt collection and foreclosures, and beginning the process to identify an out of court binding dispute resolution process.  The group will now turn its’ efforts to strengthen current law and pursue additional changes in the law to improve HOA governance and disclosure  to home buyers, ending abusive and excessive debt collection practices, and limiting real estate transfer fees when selling a home in an HOA community.   The group’s number one issue remains implementation of an out of court binding dispute resolution process (not mandatory mediation as this only adds time, cost, process, and no certainty of decision in dispute resolution and is available now under current HOA law and has failed homeowners) .  See the group’s web site for more on this issue:

2013-14 Goals and Objectives  (an expanded discussion on these proposals can be found at:

1. Include an out of court binding dispute resolution process in Colorado HOA law

2. Improve upon Colorado legislation that licenses HOA property managers

3. Limit fees and administrative costs on HOA debt

4. Increase the roles, responsibilities, authority, and enforcement capabilities of the Colorado HOA Information Office and Resource Center including involvement in administering an out of court binding dispute resolution process

5. Restrict/limit transfer fees in the sale of HOA homes

6. Require realtors and home buyers to be provided a copy of the HOA's governing documents, insurance coverage, a current HOA financial statement, the amount of HOA dues, any special assessments current and ongoing, and certify they read them prior to purchasing a home.

7. Term limits on HOA Board members when others are willing to serve.

8. Include as part of the HOA registration process a certification that HOA Board members read their own HOA governing documents and applicable information posted on the State's HOA Offices web site concerning State HOA law. In addition, require each HOA to provide the State's HOA Office a copy of their governing documents, the amount of HOA dues, the CAM hired to manage the HOA, and any special assessments that are current and/or proposed.  This information posted on the State's HOA Office's web site. The HOA is required to update this information when changes occur and review the information annually.