If you live in a Homeowners Association (HOA) you are subject to
special assessments with or without your knowledge or approval. Your HOA
Board is empowered to levy a special assessment for most any reason at any
amount, at any time on each property owner. Special assessments
can occur when HOA Boards approve self-interest projects or community
beneficial capital improvements, to pay for costly law suits approved by a
Board, or to replenish depleted reserve funds due to mismanagement or
unexpected expenses. Special assessments can range from hundreds to
thousands per household and must be paid. Don't pay the assessment
and your financial obligation can compound through interest and administrative
charges. Wait too long to pay and your property can be foreclosed.
Special assessments can happen without home owner knowledge or
approval and without dollar limit and it is all legal.
Colorado State HOA law and HOA governing documents empower
Boards to financially manage the community and only indicate they must act
in a fiduciary capacity (a statement that is open to a wide range of
interpretation with little accountability). Nothing in HOA law requires a
Board to discuss, notify, or gain approval through a vote of residents
when spending HOA funds on costly endeavors . Boards are also
empowered to create enforceable special assessments, no questions
asked. Problematic in this issue is that even when special assessments
result from Board financial mismanagement, extravagant spending, or
reckless decisions home owners only find out about the dire financial
consequences after the fact and through their wallets. Unless
criminal intent is involved, no Board member will be held accountable
Reining in the independent authority of HOA Boards to
spend without the consent of home owners that often results in
special assessments will require legislative action. Until this
happens, home owners are left with our costly, litigious, and time consuming
(pay to play) court system to challenge HOA Board actions and this simply
doesn't work for home owners.